November 3, 2015


The ‘Fashion Meetup’ is set up to be one of the most popular and influencing blogger events in Germany. Since the blogger community on Instagram and other social media is continuously growing the time has come to use this big potential within a professional concept. Bloggers and their blogs have become an attractive platform for any advertising activities of labels. And this event supports the business side to reach professional bloggers for collaboration. The ‘Fashion Meetup’ event brings together all the fashion stakeholders (fashion bloggers, fashion industry, labels, designers, fashion people) and aims to meet their various interests. The main motivations behind establishing this series of events can be described as follows:

  • meeting other bloggers, exchanging ideas and networking
  • promotion and sponsoring platform for fashion industry
  • access to a huge blogger pool and business opportunities for labels
  • great style inspirations for fashion people

The very first meeting has already been performed and has been a great success. The kick-off event took place in Munich where the original idea of ‘Fashion Meetup’ has arised.
It was a 2-days event on the weekend. The invited bloggers got the chance to meet each other and they had a nice dinner at Brusko Grill. In order to celebrate the start of the ‘Fashion Meetup’ series and the coming together, all participants went to Munich’s famous P1 club afterwards. The next day Yezz Clothing set up a promotion shoot with all the bloggers.

The follow-up ‘Fashion Meetup’ event will take place beginning of 2016. You will receive further information and updates here on my website.
If you are interested in taking part in the next ‘Fashion Meetup’ please preregister via mail ( or contact form.

Some impressions of the kick-off event on 31 Oct – 01 Nov ’15 in Munich:

gruppe_7 gruppe_8 tommy_ingo phil_andrej konny_ingo ingo_ferkan hasan_stephan ferkan_andrej  gruppe_1 mädelsgruppe_2gruppe_4